Tantric Touch - Course for Gays

A weekend full of new experiences, techniques and intimacy hacks for yourself or your partner. A safe place  to work on your your intimate life in a small group of like-minded men.

Date: 14. - 16.6.2024
Time: Fri 17:00 - 21:00, Sat + Sun 9:30 - 18:00 (with a break for lunch)
Address: Španělská 742/6, 120 00 Prague 2 
Price: 4 900 CZK - valid when ordering until 31.5.2024 !!
(after this date there will be a price 5 900 CZK)
Lecturer: Toby

ATTENTION: The course will be in English.

All material you need to work with during the course: sanitary bedding, essential oils, hot towels and more... 

Experience the magic of tantric touch with masseur Toby.

With an experienced tutor, in the safe space of a renowned studio.