Tantra and infidelity...?

Recently, in one of our supervision sessions, the topic "Tantra and intimacy in personal life" came up. 
Our massage therapists do very intense work, so it is important to give them adequate care so that they do their job in accordance with their values and can be really good guides.

However, this is often a topic that clients address as well.

So let's take a look at how to address issues like this, what Tantra can bring to your relationships and if it can even pose a threat.

Is Tantric Massage infidelity?

The whole experience - from the initial conversation to the final goodbye in our studio - is about opening up a great deal of trust. Clients come with different personal intentions, and during the massage, they reveal not only their body but also their soul. Tantra involves working with sexual energy and includes a massage of the private parts.

For a person unfamiliar with the depth and transcendence of Tantra, this can clearly evoke infidelity.

Tantra is about sincerity.

It all starts with intention. Ask yourself what you come to the massage with. If you feel you are doing something forbidden, think about how you relate to your body, your feelings, or your sexuality.

If Tantra is something that appeals to you, it's probably the path you need right now. Explore the blocks that your fears show you and allow yourself to look at them from a different angle so that you can observe them impartially.

If you have a partner, try to talk to her/him about it.

If you feel like you can't share something like this with her/him at all but are still drawn to massage, that's okay. Maybe you need to boost your own self-esteem, which Tantra can help with beautifully.


Tantric massage is not sex.

During the massage, clients are naked and get their hands on the skin. But it's a form of active receiving, where they consciously work with their own arousal - their own energy.
It is definitely not about arousing each other with the masseuse or masseur.

Give a tantric massage

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Tantra never crosses boundaries

 It is always up to each client to openly share their intentions, concerns and boundaries. Tantric massage takes a very intuitive form.Every member of our team is a qualified professional. And no one will force you to go anywhere you don't want to go. 

Tantra can strengthen your partnership

As people access the deep essence of their personal experience during massage, they gradually become more confident and authentic. They are able to feel their own body better and, as a result, the body of their partner. All the work they experience in individual massage can then beautifully enrich their personal relationships. 

It is not always necessary to have a Couple Tantra Massage, although it can be a great gift :) 


At our Harmony Spa centre, we offer a Partner Experience Massage in addition to our traditional couples massage. It is a free-floating form of experience where one of the couples cares for the other together with the masseuse (masseur). 

If you are interested in specific techniques for working with the body, check out our seminars, which we are opening to the general public starting this year.


ATTENTION: Online bookings are possible at least 12h before the appointment. Bookings with less time in advance and bookings for masseurs (men), please book directly by phone or email.